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New Leaf

Working with a team at Hack Princeton, we developed NewLeaf, a student productivity platform aimed at streamlining academic tasks by integrating various tools into a user-friendly interface.

Our inspiration stemmed from recognizing the need for a cohesive solution in the student toolkit, as existing tools often addressed singular aspects of student life without seamless integration. We aspired to develop a multifaceted platform to empower students in managing their academic tasks more effectively, sparking the genesis of NewLeaf.

The platform offers an array of features including an AI chatbot for academic queries, a smart scheduler for task organization, a PDF summarizer for efficient document digestion, a dynamic widgets screen, a computer vision canvas enabling interactive learning through hand-tracking technology, and more. NewLeaf serves as a comprehensive hub, providing diverse tools to support students throughout their academic journey.

Building NewLeaf involved harnessing Flask for the backend infrastructure and utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to craft a seamless user interface. We integrated various APIs and libraries to implement the AI chatbot, computer vision features, and other functionalities, leveraging our team's diverse skill sets to overcome challenges and drive progress.

Throughout development, we encountered hurdles such as integrating multiple APIs and ensuring smooth communication between components. Yet, we successfully navigated these challenges, culminating in the implementation of a wide range of features within NewLeaf, including an effective AI chatbot, a dynamic scheduler, and an interactive computer vision canvas.

The experience provided invaluable insights into web app development, API integration, and project management. Moving forward, we aim to enhance NewLeaf's functionality by refining the AI chatbot, incorporating advanced machine learning algorithms, and enhancing the user interface for an intuitive experience. Our vision for NewLeaf encompasses continuous evolution, catering to the evolving needs of students in the digital age.

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